Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Though they are the enemy of all that is good and true, they often hold positions of great power.  They follow convention and are guided by base, materialistic values and desires.  They abhor the creative, the critical, the comical, the deviant, and any challenge to the established norm.  They are absolutely utilitarian in that they do not perceive the essential good in things (their use-value), but rather measure all things by their value in exchange for other things, usually material.  They are insensitive to art as a thing of beauty and as a form of social criticism, though they may appreciate it as a cultural commodity.

Their unwavering adherence to convention prevents them from comprehending or even perceiving innovation, which they see rather as bastard aberration or pointless rebellion.  Their success is usually due to their mastery of the established practices and patterns of the day, but they are vulnerable to failure as soon as the times change.

Their minds have been intractably infected by capitalist, utilitarian ideology.  They fail to see intrinsic goodness, truth, and beauty.  They are the soulless drones of modernity, the callous corporation of capitalism, the opportunistic agents of oppression.

1 comment:

The Joblessist said...

While you were writing this blog post that has no chance of generating advertising revenue, you could have been out in the street hustling us up the money to buy me a diamond.